Dubai Arab American School is located in Al Muhaisnah, and is almost 6 years old. It has been subject to KHDA inspections since 2008-2009 when it was found to be Unsatisfactory. After five follow on inspections, the school was upgraded to Acceptable for the latest KHDA report (2011-12).

The school is mixed gender, but girls and boys are taught separately from Grade 4. It follows, as its name suggests, a US curriculum.

There are currently 650 plus students at the school, with 62 teachers covering Kindergarten to Grade 12. Emiratis make up 4 out 5 of its students. Unsurprisingly given the demographics of its students, few speak English as a first language.

The KHDA report highlights the many improvements that have been made to the school, and the dedication of the school’s leadership in making those improvements. It does however note that there are many improvements still to be made, and in particular the quality of teaching in key subjects. The report praises the teaching of Islamic education and Arabic however, as well as the behaviour of many of its students – notably girls attending the school.

It notes some boys, at both lower and higher grades remain – at times – “disrespectful”.

The report also notes a continuing lack of special needs provision.